22 October 2009

Where The Wild Things Aren't

I saw Where The Wild Things Are over the weekend.

Severe disappointment.

People have been telling me for years about it. Some have even questioned my sexuality because I had not seen it. So I decided to go on opening weekend to prove those guys wrong. And peep me some boobies.

Not only did I not see Neve Campbell and Denise Richards once in the whole movie but there was also never any lesbian, fuck-in-the-pool scene. Just some furry monsters and a weird little boy. It felt like a NAMBLA convention.

I wanted to walk out but I thought the bitches-in-heat moment might come after the credits like Sam Jackson in Iron Man so I stayed for the entire thing. Big mistake.

Oh, and for those into that kind of thing, just for the record, there is no Kevin Bacon junk in this movie either.

12 September 2009

Fantasy Football Is Stupid

My celly has been blowing up more than usual recently. Since more often than not I hear Marky Mark's I Need Money, that can only mean one person is calling - my bookie. And since it's my bookie calling so frequently, that can only mean one thing - football season.

Now, I loves me some me. And by me, I mean football. Weekends in the fall are some of the most glorious times in the Shitty Captain's life. Because of football. And Percocets.

I love football so much that I want to make out with it.
But only the cheerleader part. And maybe Tom Brady.

There's been this ever-growing fad over the past half-decade or so, though, that has been feeding off of my love like a voracious parasite. This tapeworm is Fantasy Football.

Seriously, it's like one of the stupidest things ever invented. If ever there were something that could make Armchair General Managers think they know about sports when they don't, fantasy football is it.

To wit: I know this guy, we'll call him Canary, for lack of a better term. All through college this guy never watched a lick of sports. Spouting pretentious metaphysical bullshit while trying to be the coolest guy you know (and failing miserably) was more his style. Suddenly, though, after he graduates, he becomes a self-described football guru. He "knows" which college star will best be suited for the Steelers 3-4 Defense. He "knows" which team will take the AFC South this year. He even started up a shitty website to share his gridiron thoughts with the world. All this because he started playing fantasy football and it gave him this odd false sense of thinking he knows what he's talking about.

A few weeks ago I got to spend a lovely afternoon manhandling the libido of a lady from the neighborhood whose husband was participating in not one, but three drafts that day. He'd been laboring for weeks over reports and "professional" analysis and failed to remember that his wife had one of those things called a vagina.

Thinking all her lonely-ladyparts problems solved once the draft happened, it seems she flipped a switch when her man lamented (with little contrition, mind you) about all the time over the next four-plus months he would have to dedicate to stat-keeping and deciding who his starters would be before heading out the door for the next 18 hours.

We ran into each other in the pharmacy department of the local supermarket - she was looking for migraine relief and I needed Robitussin for the party I was hosting later that evening. I picked up a bottle of Excedrin she dropped and as I handed it back she asked rather spontaneously if I played fantasy football. "Never in my life have I ever cavorted with that particular beast," I replied. After that, she instructed me to follow her home.

We've got a standing date for the next 17 Tuesdays. That's the night her husband, head of the stats committee of two of his leagues, meets to divvy up last week's points among the players. So maybe Fantasy Football isn't all that bad.

09 August 2009

A Pictorial Representation Of A Favored Playground Saying From My Youth

See if you can figure out which one.

Here's a hint: It is not the one about the guy going pee-pee in your Coke.

14 April 2009

Push Is A Win

You know that shitty book by that shitty sportswriter, The Five People You Meet In Heaven? I never read the thing. But I did take too many quaaludes one night and sat through most of the TV movie in a haze.

I figured out the Five People I'd meet in Heaven would be Liquor, Pills, Gambling, Titties and Five-Dollar Buffets. All have had major impacts upon my life at some point or another. Since I'm not dead, I decided to visit the only other place besides Heaven where I could meet my Five People all at once while on a spiritual quest. No, not Monaco. Even better - Vegas. Less tuxes and more flip-flops.

Due to the free drinks the casinos ply you with while you throw your money haphazardly across their felt-covered sacrificial altars, most of the time I spent there was a blur. Add to that the fact the CVS by the Venetian has no problem filling out-of-state, questionably-legible Valium prescriptions and that blur was actually more like a staccato melange of disincorporated sights, sounds and smells strung loosely together to form what I refer to as the memory of my wonderful desert vacation. Allow me to share with you some of the highlights.

Apparently the Miss USA 2009 pageant was held at my hotel during my stay. I did not find this out until after I returned home. I originally thought there were just a bunch of girls staying at the hotel who were very enthusiastic about where they were from.
Let me answer some questions I know you are having right now. Yes, they are hotter in real life. And smaller. Yes, they wear those sashes everywhere. The sashes allow tourists to easily find their state's representative and stare and point at her while she eats her breakfast. Finally, yes, security will escort you out of the buffet area if you attempt to touch their hair to see if it is "really real or like those motherfuckers in The Matrixes real".
I'm not sure exactly what I was getting at. Neither did the pageant contestants nor security. Hence the escort out.

The Double Down Saloon is a quaint punk bar located about a mile off the Strip. The bar is not a gay one itself but its location in the vicinity of a handful of gay clubs will have your cabbie questioning your sexuality the whole way there. Even if your lady friend has her shirt pulled up and is loudly requesting you suck on her nipples because she's not sure she can feel them.
I had something the bartender called Ass Juice because it was red. It also tasted fruity so I had two more immediately following the first. I usually follow the simple maxim of Whatever Tastes The Most Bitter Will Get You The Most Drunk. That was an error in this case. Luckily, the walls in the bathroom are heavily stickered and graffitied so no one noticed (or cared, presumably) that I pissed on them.

Old Downtown is the stuff of Las Vegas Legend. Now, it's something called the Freemont Experience. You can still find four-dollar surf-and-turf dinners. The Golden Nugget and Binion's are still there. It's cheap, loud, lit too brightly and crowded. But a fella can blend in easily.
A friend of mine knew a janitor at the Stratosphere who could get us white crosses for a song. I washed a handful down with some Red Bull, which, even though it was sugar-free, was an unfortunate whistle-whetter. I had the jitters and the sweats within minutes. The public tram was crammed full but no one wanted to be near me. Even a harmless statement such as, "Excuse me, this is my stop" came out sounding like the maniacal ravings of a lunatic. But when I got to Freemont that all changed. Every brand of fucked-up is represented so no one feels the need to try and hide who they are.
Like I said, a fella can blend in.

I ran into Sir Ben Kingsley at the hotel pool. 'Nuff said.
Thinking he'd eventually go Don Logan on one of his entourage, I hung around watching from the shadows of a close-by cabana. Boy, was I wrong.
Sir Ben sounded like a queer Gandhi throwing around all those dah-lings and showing concern for a woman who showed up late. I got bored and left when the daiquiri hut wouldn't serve me any more piƱa coladas.

Okay, kids, that's all the Captain is able to piece together for the day. I will leave you with this interesting fact I learned on my trip: There is no in-between when it comes to paying for liquor. It's either very expensive or very cheap. For fifteen bucks you're either going to get one frozen berry rum drink or two dozen shots of tequila.
It all depends on where you're at.

14 November 2008

Wilkommen, y'all!

So a few weeks ago, it was a rainy night. The Captain had just parked his land cruiser and gone inside his land home, his ship away from the seas, if you will. After a sub-par take-out dinner and maybe, maybe something psychotropic following, he heard a loud smash right outside his front door. The kind of smash that only two metal cars grinding together in a horrible meeting of fender and fender can produce.

I hear these kind of crashes all the time at my apartment. There's a wicked intersection with some poorly-placed trash bins that causes a rash of accidents.

This one wasn't like that.

Let me take you back a couple of years. My lady friend woke me up in the middle of the night. It was a cold February and there was a light coat of snow on the ground. The place we stayed was drafty and I was comfortable (only a ship's wheel could soothe me as much) so I was not keen on stirring. My lady friend pressed the issue, saying she was woken by a smashing sound. Right outside the apartment. She thought her car might have been hit and wanted me to check it out. I told her not to worry because the alarm was not going off.
To my credit, the alarm, in fact, was not going off. And it was a fairly hair-trigger kind of alarm. So I continued my active stance of stoic passivity and laid there, unmoving, repeating my alarm dictum.
This was not to the satisfaction of my lady friend and my active passivity was quietly trumped by her passive activity. So I got up and looked out the window and, of course, her car had been clipped in the rear and the offending driver had left the scene.
That one set the Captain back a cool grand in deductibles. And that was my betting money. Which made me particularly steamed. But everything worked out in the end (except my betting money) so there was nothing to be upset about (betting money).

Back to the night from the beginning and I'm parking in the same ill-fated spot as before.
It's late, it's raining, I have two bags of the sub-par carry-out to carry and there really is nothing open for a couple blocks. With the exception of a handful of quick moments, I have managed to avoid it for this long. But it's the last spot and I cave easy. Which is why I'm not entirely shocked later on when I view the destruction.

I heard the smash and went outside to see if anyone needed help. (Actually, that's just what I tell people. I really just went outside to see how bad the cars were fucked up, maybe smoke a cig, loiter a little bit on my front porch and avoid eye contact with any of my neighbors.)
When I got outside, instead of seeing two cars in a heap, there was only one - mine.
Some dickhole had just hit my vehicle and driven off.

The people in the street who witnessed it were very helpful in telling me what kind of make and model the car was and which direction it took off in when they finally stopped laughing at me.
The cops came and took a report. I asked them what they thought the likelihood of finding the person who did this was and they were very helpful in telling me what number to call and what report number to reference when they finally stopped laughing at me.

Long story short - the dickhole turned out to be a teenage girl who freaked when she hit my ride and came back the next day to 'fess up. I got paid from her insurance company and decided to upgrade instead of buying a piece of shit and using the difference on several eight balls and a couple white trash escorts I found on Craigslist.

I think that was a wise choice in the long run as I was able to afford a Volkswagen. That's right, a Volkswagen. Specifically, a Passat. Check it out:
By the way, that's just a stock photo. I don't let people take pictures of my new car. The flashes fade the paint. If I had wanted pewter instead of gunmetal, I would have asked for pewter instead of gunmetal.

So I've joined the ranks of the elite, folks. I have joined the ranks of people who have weird-and-overly-technical keys for their cars.

Have you seen these things? They are from another world entirely. Look:

Doesn't that just blow your fucking mind?
Seriously, look at it from this angle:

I have nightmares about that thing and I am its master.
If the United Federation of Planets were Nazis, these are what they would use to round up Space Jews into the photon showers.
If Bishop the android was programmed with Jack the Ripper's thought waves or alpha cycles or whatever, this is what he would use to kill future-whores.

My whole point is, people with keys like this are probably better than people with normal keys. Or else God would not have gifted them with the power of the special keys. It's like a modern Manifest Destiny. Only better, because it involves German engineering.

So next time you see me, kneel in praise. Or take out your special key. Then we'll toast and laugh at all the little people around us.

07 October 2008

The Treachery of Surrealist Painters

This is not a pipe, huh?

I tried to tell that to the cop that pulled me over last weekend. It did not work well.

So go fuck yourself, Rene Magritte. Thanks for nothing.